How to show hidden object in sketchup online
How to show hidden object in sketchup online

  1. How to show hidden object in sketchup online update#
  2. How to show hidden object in sketchup online full#

Your private message was very very helpful! I now see why i was having some problems. _14-41-36.png: Back to "Vector" the image appears but with no hidden lines AND NOTE THAT the unmodified "WoodworkingPlans01" is in effect _14-40-25.png: Returning to "Raster" no image appears

how to show hidden object in sketchup online

_14-39-53.png: Switching to "Hybrid" the image appears but with no hidden lines _14-39-21.png: Switching to "Vector" the image appears but with no hidden lines _14-36-38.png: On first selection of scene "Bookcase - Moving Outer Left" the selection remains "raster" and no image appears. " to "Bookcase - Moving Outer Left" - which implies the unmodified "WoodworkingPlans01" The remaining images show what happens when I change the scene from "Last Used. " is the scene and the style is "(Modified) WoodworkingPlans01" _14-04-09.png: This shows the viewport after being inserted into a new layout document.

How to show hidden object in sketchup online update#

I have the style tray showing in this image and that confirms that style "WoodworkingPlans01" was selected and with 5 snapshots of the other settings for the superimposed.Īnd yes I did update the style and save the skp and do a document update in layout - in fact I even created a new document and newly inserted just to make sure.

how to show hidden object in sketchup online

_14-04-02.png: Shows skp for the scene in question ("Bookcase - Moving Outer Left") as I saved it. So How do i figure out what that modification is so i can put it in tho the scene? When I then make the scene specific to what I know is the last scene I do not see the hidden lines as dashes or anything else.Īfter much poking around I see that when initially brought over the "last used view" has a modified style used in the scene.

how to show hidden object in sketchup online

That popup could have a "never show me again" option if you like the current behavior.When I insert a viewport into layout it initially shows correctly with the hidden lines visible as dashes. My 2c: when you change the layer of a component or group, you should get a popup that asks if you'd like to move its children. One method others have used to "fix" a sketch where the layer information has become hopelessly tangled is to delete every layer other than the default, each time choosing to move contents to the default layer, then recreate your layers and move components into them. In other words, the "move between layers" action is recursive on sub-entities only when the component and all sub-entities reside in the default layer before being moved. If you build components in that layer, when you move them even after making them components they successfully move to the intended destination layer. The default layer ("Default" in 2015, I think, but called "Layer0" in 2016) behaves differently. For what it's worth, I think it's stupid as hell. From what I can tell, this is all intended, but poorly-understood behavior. Same behavior.Įdit3: Hopefully the last edit. So in your case, you would have to edit the group, select all components, and change their layer, then edit each of those components and move their entities as well.Įdit2: I just uninstalled 2015 and installed 2016. Quick Edit: As others have posted, this "subcomponent layer" nonsense applies not just to entities => component, but also to components => group. To those of you in this thread expressing skepticism - can you confirm whether the same effect is reproducible in your client (and, if you're using a version other than 2015, post your version as well)?

how to show hidden object in sketchup online

The only way I've found to fix it is to do the following for each affected component: double click it to edit triple-click it to select every face and edge open entity info change layer to desired destination.

How to show hidden object in sketchup online full#

I'm designing a full kitchen's worth of cabinets, with a bunch of separate layers, and it is absolutely maddening. When you move the component, you are for some reason not also moving the entities that make it up, which makes it stuck in two layers. So, basically the entities that make up your component have a layer, and then the component itself has a layer.

  • show that layer again, hide the one I moved them to: all components disappear.
  • hide the layer I built them in: all components disappear.
  • open "entity info" and choose correct layer from pull-down menu.
  • select all components that need to be moved.
  • build a few more components without realizing.
  • turn it into a component while in wrong layer.
  • have wrong layer selected when building component.
  • If not, then I'm doing the same "wrong" thing OP is. I came to /r/SketchUp for the first time today, looking for an answer to this question.

    How to show hidden object in sketchup online